[adelie-devel] This list is operational, but there are some important changes

From: Zach van Rijn <me_at_zv.io>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2021 10:15:42 -0500

Dear subscriber,

The Adélie Linux mailing list infrastructure has been upgraded to
improve community engagement experience. Your are receiving this
email because you are currently subscribed to an active list.

You might not, however, be subscribed to all of our active lists
as we have some new ones which may be of interest:

    https://lists.adelielinux.org/archive/ <-- active lists

We have reduced the number of active lists to ease the burden for
subscribers, focus discussion, and clarify our priorities.

Some lists are no longer active; these have been archived for
historical purposes and are linked by that page, or copied here:

    https://lists-old.adelielinux.org/ <-- historical lists

This historical archive contains messages prior to May 2021, even
if the list is still active. Messages from today onward appear in
the new archives, while the historical archives are read-only*.

If you want to JOIN or LEAVE active lists only, please follow the
instructions in the first link.

If you were subscribed to a list that is now ARCHIVED and is not
one of the active lists, you do not need to take any action.

Take care,

The Adélie Linux Team

(*) Some messages may not display correctly; this is being fixed.
Received on Mon May 10 2021 - 17:15:42 CEST

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.4.0 : Mon May 10 2021 - 17:16:19 CEST